4 Duskmantle Guildmage 4 Ponder 2 Pyrite Spellbomb 3 Seal of Fire 4 Cleansing Wildfire 4 Impulse 4 Memory Lapse 4 Mindcrank 2 Terminate 2 Ionize 2 Treasure Cruise 4 Drossforge Bridge 4 Ghost Quarter 3 Island 4 Mistvault Bridge 3 Mountain 4 Silverbluff Bridge 3 Swamp 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den 4 Duress 1 Scarab Feast 2 Spell Pierce 2 Pyroclasm 1 Rakdos Charm 1 Forbid 1 Languish 1 Jokulhaups 1 Erebos's Intervention