4 Birds of Paradise 4 Charmed Stray 2 Blanchwood Prowler 4 Satyr Wayfinder 1 Champion of Lambholt 4 Vesperlark 4 Deep Forest Hermit 1 Genesis 1 Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis 1 End-Raze Forerunners 2 Gigantomancer 2 Gryff's Boon 4 Commune with the Gods 1 Benefaction of Rhonas 4 Séance 8 Forest 2 Fortified Village 1 Gavony Township 5 Plains 1 Stirring Wildwood 4 Sunpetal Grove 2 Skylasher 2 Fiend Hunter 2 Harmonic Sliver 1 Timeless Witness 3 Stony Silence 3 Wheel of Sun and Moon 2 Gnaw to the Bone