4 Harabaz Druid 4 Kalastria Healer 2 Oran-Rief Survivalist 4 Sylvan Advocate 1 Tangled Florahedron 2 Drift of Phantasms 3 Bala Ged Thief 4 Turntimber Ranger 3 Spell Pierce 4 Impulse 4 Arcane Adaptation 1 Conspiracy 4 Ally Encampment 1 Fetid Pools 3 Forest 2 Hinterland Harbor 3 Island 2 Llanowar Wastes 3 Opulent Palace 2 Swamp 4 Yavimaya Coast 2 Duress 4 Guttural Response 2 Lantern of the Lost 2 Disdainful Stroke 3 Crypt Incursion 2 Nature's Ruin