2 Fae of Wishes 2 Ramunap Excavator 1 Karn, Silver Golem 2 Rona's Vortex 2 Jwari Disruption 4 Memory Lapse 2 Prohibit 4 Prophetic Prism 1 Search for Azcanta 1 Silundi Vision 2 Aetherize 4 Fact or Fiction 2 Wash Out 2 Mindslaver 2 Epiphany at the Drownyard 3 Power Sink 2 Repeal 2 Buried Ruin 4 Cloudpost 4 Glimmerpost 8 Island 2 Memorial to Genius 1 Mystifying Maze 1 Urza's Factory 4 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Cursed Totem 1 Sorcerous Spyglass 1 Rebuild 1 Nevinyrral's Disk 1 Trading Post 1 Wash Out 1 Jace, Memory Adept 1 Mindslaver 1 Mycosynth Lattice 1 River's Rebuke 1 Beacon of Tomorrows