2 Dimir Infiltrator 1 Remorseful Cleric 4 Shipwreck Sifters 4 Tallowisp 1 Brine Comber 3 Drogskol Captain 1 Evershrike 1 Magister of Worth 4 Sovereigns of Lost Alara 1 Curiosity 1 Dead Weight 4 Animate Dead 1 Arcanum Wings 1 Staggering Insight 2 The Modern Age 1 Buried Alive 4 Frantic Search 1 Spectra Ward 1 Colossification 2 Caves of Koilos 4 Drowned Catacomb 4 Glacial Fortress 3 Island 4 Obscura Storefront 3 Plains 1 Snowfield Sinkhole 1 Swamp 3 Ethersworn Canonist 2 Remorseful Cleric 1 Sphinx of the Steel Wind 1 Kuro, Pitlord 2 Isolate 1 Witness Protection 1 Mystic Subdual 3 Geistlight Snare 1 Control Magic