2 Kazandu Mammoth 3 Ramunap Excavator 4 Tireless Provisioner 3 Wayward Swordtooth 2 Beast Whisperer 4 Oracle of Mul Daya 3 Ravenous Chupacabra 1 Vizier of the Menagerie 1 Acidic Slime 2 Ob Nixilis, the Fallen 3 Greenwarden of Murasa 4 Genesis Hydra 4 Heartless Summoning 2 Darkmoss Bridge 5 Forest 3 Ghost Quarter 2 Llanowar Wastes 4 Riveteers Overlook 4 Swamp 4 Woodland Cemetery 3 Mesmeric Fiend 3 Obstinate Baloth 2 Acidic Slime 2 Massacre Girl 1 Elderscale Wurm 1 Thorn Mammoth 3 Mistcutter Hydra