2 Grim Lavamancer 1 Flametongue Yearling 4 Sylvan Advocate 3 Grimdancer 4 Bloodbraid Elf 1 Glorybringer 2 Bloodchief's Thirst 4 Chain Lightning 2 Dread Fugue 4 Hymn to Tourach 2 Sylvan Library 1 Bedevil 2 Fire Covenant 2 Riveteers Charm 1 Chandra, Pyromaster 1 Hagra Mauling 4 Canyon Slough 3 Dragonskull Summit 3 Evolving Wilds 1 Fire-Lit Thicket 1 Forest 2 Llanowar Wastes 2 Mountain 2 Raging Ravine 3 Swamp 3 Woodland Cemetery 1 Scab-Clan Berserker 2 Obstinate Baloth 1 Distended Mindbender 2 Duress 2 Lantern of the Lost 1 Ancient Grudge 1 Deglamer 1 Lost Legacy 1 Night of Souls' Betrayal 1 Ritual of Soot 1 Slaughter Games 1 Unleash the Inferno