3 Kazandu Mammoth 1 Knight of the Reliquary 1 Ramunap Excavator 2 Tireless Provisioner 4 Wayward Swordtooth 4 Oracle of Mul Daya 1 Timeless Witness 1 Vizier of the Menagerie 1 Acidic Slime 1 Prophet of Kruphix 1 Regal Force 4 Explore 1 Sylvan Library 1 Bala Ged Recovery 1 Growing Rites of Itlimoc 1 Khalni Ambush 4 Search for Tomorrow 1 Silundi Vision 1 Garruk Wildspeaker 1 Primal Command 2 Upheaval 1 Tooth and Nail 4 Brokers Hideout 1 Cryptic Caves 8 Forest 1 Ghost Quarter 3 Hinterland Harbor 2 Island 1 Littjara Mirrorlake 1 Plains 1 Wooded Bastion 3 Dryad Militant 3 Tamiyo's Safekeeping 3 Deglamer 3 Tangle 1 Creeping Corrosion 1 Orbs of Warding 1 Commit/Memory