4 Shardless Agent 4 Simian Spirit Guide 4 Lathliss, Dragon Queen 4 Yosei, the Morning Star 3 Magister Sphinx 4 Quicksilver Gargantuan 4 Bogardan Hellkite 3 Hypergenesis 4 Demonic Dread 3 Warstorm Surge 4 Crumbling Vestige 4 Temple of Abandon 2 Temple of Deceit 2 Temple of Malady 4 Temple of the Dragon Queen 3 Vivid Crag 1 Vivid Creek 3 Waterveil Cavern 4 Dosan the Falling Leaf 4 Howlpack Piper 3 Colossal Skyturtle 4 Ravenous Trap