3 Sephara, Sky's Blade 3 Bloodchief's Thirst 2 Dread Fugue 2 Duress 1 Infernal Grasp 4 Intangible Virtue 1 Sudden Edict 3 Zealous Persecution 4 Lingering Souls 3 Vindicate 1 Ajani Steadfast 2 Battle Screech 2 Leyline of the Meek 4 Spectral Procession 2 Hour of Reckoning 2 Field of Ruin 4 Isolated Chapel 9 Plains 4 Shambling Vent 3 Swamp 1 Vault of the Archangel 3 Beckon Apparition 2 Blossoming Calm 2 Duress 2 Orim's Chant 3 Disempower 3 Lost Legacy