4 Delver of Secrets 4 Faerie Vandal 3 Tasigur, the Golden Fang 4 Consider 4 Ponder 2 Spell Pierce 4 Thought Scour 1 Countersquall 1 Infernal Grasp 4 Lose Focus 1 Memory Lapse 3 Sudden Edict 1 Yahenni's Expertise 3 Treasure Cruise 4 Drowned Catacomb 3 Fetid Pools 11 Island 3 Swamp 1 Hostage Taker 2 Duress 2 Feed the Swarm 1 Sorcerous Spyglass 1 Nature's Ruin 2 Rebuild 3 Ravenous Trap 3 Yahenni's Expertise