4 Shigeki, Jukai Visionary 1 Mephidross Vampire 1 Steel Hellkite 1 Triskelion 1 Myr Battlesphere 1 Platinum Angel 1 Terastodon 4 Ancient Stirrings 4 Expedition Map 4 Explore 4 Sylvan Scrying 2 Bala Ged Recovery 3 Nevinyrral's Disk 3 Mindslaver 3 Tooth and Nail 1 Buried Ruin 4 Cloudpost 1 Field of Ruin 11 Forest 4 Glimmerpost 1 Labyrinth of Skophos 1 Urza's Factory 3 Lodestone Golem 2 Scrabbling Claws 3 Plummet 3 Spatial Contortion 4 Warping Wail