4 Basking Rootwalla 4 Blazing Rootwalla 1 Big Game Hunter 1 Bloodhall Priest 4 Kitchen Imp 4 Burning Inquiry 1 One with Nothing 1 Restless Dreams 4 Rites of Initiation 1 Cathartic Reunion 2 Faithless Salvaging 4 Alms of the Vein 4 Fiery Temper 2 Dark Withering 4 Canyon Slough 4 Dragonskull Summit 1 Lavaclaw Reaches 7 Mountain 7 Swamp 2 Big Game Hunter 1 Bone Shards 1 Duress 2 Lightning Axe 4 Rakdos Charm 1 Mogg Salvage 2 Biting Rain 2 Dark Withering