3 Bloodchief's Thirst 1 Elixir of Immortality 4 Gitaxian Probe 4 Ponder 3 Jwari Disruption 4 Lose Focus 2 Search for Azcanta 4 Neutralize 4 Unmoored Ego 3 Fact or Fiction 1 Summary Dismissal 3 Vraska's Contempt 1 Jace, Memory Adept 1 Sorin Markov 4 Bad River 2 Drowned Catacomb 4 Fetid Pools 2 Field of Ruin 4 Island 2 Swamp 4 Temple of Deceit 3 Dispel 4 Duress 3 Lantern of the Lost 2 Feed the Swarm 2 Crux of Fate 1 Thought Distortion