2 Wall of Omens 4 Circuit Mender 4 Eldrazi Displacer 3 Nevermaker 2 Venser, Shaper Savant 3 Expedition Map 4 Ponder 3 Prophetic Prism 4 Winds of Abandon 1 Inventive Iteration 1 Approach of the Second Sun 2 Power Sink 1 Pull from Tomorrow 2 Thassa's Intervention 4 Cloudpost 2 Flood Plain 4 Glimmerpost 4 Island 3 Plains 4 Port Town 3 Prairie Stream 2 Dennick, Pious Apprentice 2 Lantern of the Lost 1 Whispers of the Muse 1 Dawn of Hope 2 Disenchant 2 Negate 1 Search for Azcanta 2 Day of Judgment 1 Ravenous Trap 1 Repeal