4 Wall of Omens 2 Dream Trawler 3 Condemn 1 Oust 4 Ponder 1 Spell Pierce 1 Sunlance 2 Lose Focus 2 Search for Azcanta 2 Think Twice 2 Disallow 1 You Find the Villains' Lair 3 Day of Judgment 2 Fact or Fiction 2 Jace, Memory Adept 1 Commence the Endgame 1 Treasure Cruise 1 Condescend 1 Repeal 10 Island 6 Plains 4 Prairie Stream 4 Temple of Enlightenment 3 Lantern of the Lost 1 Miscast 2 Spell Pierce 2 Negate 3 Rebuild 2 Timely Reinforcements 1 Day of Judgment 1 Fumigate