2 Wall of Omens 4 Timeless Dragon 1 Eternal Dragon 3 Condemn 4 Deafening Silence 4 Lantern of the Lost 4 Orim's Chant 4 Oust 2 Scrabbling Claws 2 Declaration in Stone 4 Runed Halo 4 Thaumatic Compass 4 The Birth of Meletis 4 Council's Judgment 4 Renewed Faith 4 Day of Judgment 1 Endless Horizons 4 Gideon's Intervention 1 Sigarda's Splendor 4 Sunscour 4 Ondu Inversion 4 Arch of Orazca 3 Crawling Barrens 3 Field of Ruin 1 Labyrinth of Skophos 4 Mystifying Maze 22 Plains 1 Tectonic Edge 4 Silence 1 Disenchant 1 Nature's Chant 2 Sacred Ground 4 Nevermore 2 Rule of Law 1 Shatter the Sky