2 Simian Spirit Guide 4 Consider 4 Fiery Impulse 4 Ponder 4 Counterspell 3 Howling Mine 2 Mission Briefing 2 Dictate of Kruphix 2 Electrolyze 1 Jace Beleren 2 Stitch in Time 1 Aetherize 1 Chandra, Pyromaster 1 Chandra, the Firebrand 1 Ral, Storm Conduit 1 Chandra Ablaze 1 Chandra, Flame's Catalyst 4 Walk the Aeons 8 Island 8 Mountain 2 Prismari Campus 2 Swiftwater Cliffs 4 Cerulean Drake 4 Annul 4 Test of Talents 2 Trickbind 1 Aetherize