4 Arbor Elf 4 Avacyn's Pilgrim 4 Diligent Farmhand 4 Jaddi Offshoot 4 Deeproot Champion 4 Dreamscape Artist 4 Kiora's Follower 4 Lambholt Pacifist 4 Mesmeric Fiend 4 Nightscape Familiar 4 River Hoopoe 4 Viridian Emissary 4 Wall of Mulch 4 Bane Alley Broker 4 Brindle Boar 4 Dimir Cutpurse 4 Dimir Doppelganger 4 Grazing Gladehart 4 Nightveil Specter 4 Offalsnout 4 Ranging Raptors 4 Selkie Hedge-Mage 4 Shadowmage Infiltrator 4 Silkwing Scout 4 Clone 4 Desecration Demon 4 Dimir House Guard 4 Nekrataal 4 Notion Thief 4 Ravenous Baloth 4 Shimian Specter 4 Arborback Stomper 4 Prophet of Kruphix 4 Spiritmonger 3 Tatyova, Benthic Druid 4 Baloth Null 4 Krosan Tusker 4 Altered Ego 4 Attune with Aether 4 Font of Fertility 4 Paralyze 4 Scrabbling Claws 4 Vessel of Nascency 4 Agony Warp 4 Boros Signet 4 Evasive Action 4 Golgari Signet 4 Gruul Signet 2 Moment of Craving 4 Rampant Growth 4 Talisman of Unity 4 Trial of Ambition 4 Worldly Counsel 4 Consult the Necrosages 4 Cultivate 4 Dimir Machinations 4 Divination 4 Flaying Tendrils 4 Grow from the Ashes 4 Imprisoned in the Moon 4 Lunar Force 1 Oona's Grace 4 Perplex 4 Psychic Strike 4 Putrefy 4 Resounding Thunder 4 Seal of Doom 4 Sultai Charm 4 Tribute to Hunger 4 Underworld Connections 4 Web of Inertia 4 Weirding Wood 4 Annex 4 Bounty of the Luxa 4 Clutch of the Undercity 4 Diabolic Tutor 4 Exploding Borders 4 Into the Wilds 4 Kefnet's Last Word 4 Plea for Power 4 Sever the Bloodline 4 Slaughter Games 4 Soul Ransom 4 Time of Ice 4 Battle of Wits 4 Brainspoil 3 Consume the Meek 4 Deny Reality 4 Frenzied Tilling 4 Psychic Intrusion 4 Razaketh's Rite 4 The Eldest Reborn 2 The Mending of Dominaria 4 Urban Evolution 4 Slice and Dice 4 Displacement Wave 4 Gaze of Granite 4 Bant Panorama 4 Bloodfell Caves 4 Crumbling Necropolis 4 Dimir Guildgate 4 Encroaching Wastes 4 Evolving Wilds 36 Forest 4 Foul Orchard 4 Frontier Bivouac 4 Golgari Guildgate 4 Grand Coliseum 32 Island 4 Memorial to Folly 4 Memorial to Unity 10 Mountain 4 Opulent Palace 4 Painted Bluffs 4 Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace 4 Sandsteppe Citadel 4 Savage Lands 4 Simic Guildgate 37 Swamp 4 Urza's Factory 4 Warped Landscape 3 Woodland Stream 3 Hermit of the Natterknolls 4 Conclave Naturalists 4 Sentinel Totem 4 Negate