2 Court Hussar 1 Murderous Redcap 4 Cloudblazer 1 Aetherling 2 Magister of Worth 2 Dead Weight 4 Anticipate 1 Reave Soul 2 Remove Soul 3 Ultimate Price 3 Dissolve 2 Scatter to the Winds 2 Hieroglyphic Illumination 4 Treasure Cruise 2 Stroke of Genius 2 Calciform Pools 4 Dimir Guildgate 2 Dreadship Reef 4 Evolving Wilds 6 Island 1 Plains 2 Swamp 4 Tranquil Cove 4 Seeker of the Way 2 Sentinel Totem 3 Flashfreeze 2 Gainsay 1 Aura Fracture 1 Nature's Ruin 2 Lobotomy