2 Skyclave Cleric 2 Champion of Wits 3 Reflector Mage 3 Nevermaker 3 Vizier of Many Faces 1 Cloudblazer 3 Riftwing Cloudskate 4 Yosei, the Morning Star 3 Elder Deep-Fiend 4 Counterspell 3 Mimic Vat 2 Quasiduplicate 4 Parallax Wave 2 Glacial Floodplain 4 Glacial Fortress 9 Island 4 Snow-Covered Plains 4 Temple of Enlightenment 1 Cloudblazer 2 Orim's Chant 3 Dovin's Veto 2 Hallowed Moonlight 3 Seal of Cleansing 2 Ravenous Trap 2 Shatter the Sky