3 Descendant of Kiyomaro 1 Aetherling 1 Elixir of Immortality 4 Azorius Charm 3 Temporal Isolation 4 Dissolve 1 Pulse of the Fields 1 Scatter to the Winds 2 Secrets of the Golden City 2 Hieroglyphic Illumination 2 Planar Outburst 2 Winds of Rath 3 Planar Cleansing 1 Treasure Cruise 2 Power Sink 2 Stroke of Genius 3 Calciform Pools 5 Island 2 Lonely Sandbar 3 Mystic Monastery 6 Plains 2 Seaside Citadel 4 Tranquil Cove 1 Urza's Factory 4 Sentinel Totem 2 Flashfreeze 3 Surge of Righteousness 3 Forsake the Worldly 1 Overwhelming Denial 2 Final Judgment