4 Birds of Paradise 3 Elves of Deep Shadow 4 Coiling Oracle 4 Mesmeric Fiend 3 Springbloom Druid 2 Archaeomancer 2 Kathari Remnant 3 Ravenous Chupacabra 2 Deep Forest Hermit 2 Shriekmaw 2 Malakir Rebirth 3 Crystal Shard 4 Ghostly Flicker 4 Forest 3 Island 4 Opulent Palace 3 Swamp 4 Temple of Malady 4 Temple of Mystery 1 Fourth Bridge Prowler 3 Mizzium Meddler 2 Reclamation Sage 1 Cling to Dust 4 Duress 2 Evolutionary Leap 2 Return to Nature