3 Magnivore 1 Lone Revenant 4 Chain Lightning 2 Firebolt 4 Ponder 2 Mizzium Mortars 2 Pyroclasm 3 Guided Passage 3 Pieces of the Puzzle 3 Pillage 2 Slagstorm 3 Stone Rain 4 Collected Conjuring 2 Mythos of Illuna 4 Frontier Bivouac 4 Gruul Turf 5 Island 4 Mountain 1 Rugged Highlands 4 Wandering Fumarole 3 Goblin Dark-Dwellers 1 Gaea's Revenge 3 Tormod's Crypt 2 Silent Departure 3 Broken Bond 1 Beacon Bolt 2 Slagstorm