1 Kefnet the Mindful 4 Waker of Waves 1 Brainstorm 4 Ponder 3 Animate Dead 3 Drown in the Loch 1 Easy Prey 1 Feed the Swarm 1 Go for the Throat 2 Heartless Act 1 Negate 4 Thought Erasure 3 Neutralize 3 Silundi Vision 3 Ritual of Soot 3 Treasure Cruise 3 Bad River 4 Dismal Backwater 6 Island 1 Mystic Sanctuary 4 Sunken Ruins 4 Swamp 1 Tormod's Crypt 2 Miscast 4 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Feed the Swarm 2 Negate 2 Flaying Tendrils 2 Pharika's Libation 1 Entrancing Melody