4 Arboreal Grazer 3 Fierce Empath 2 Hydra Broodmaster 1 Steel Hellkite 1 Pentavus 1 Condemn 2 Oust 2 Dawn of Hope 3 Sylvan Library 4 Sylvan Scrying 2 Banishing Light 2 Garruk Wildspeaker 4 Hour of Promise 1 Planar Outburst 3 Gelatinous Genesis 1 Decree of Justice 2 Blossoming Sands 4 Cloudpost 5 Forest 4 Glimmerpost 5 Plains 4 Temple of Plenty 2 Lone Missionary 4 Orim's Chant 2 Soul-Guide Lantern 2 Return to Nature 1 Orbs of Warding 2 Planar Outburst 1 God-Pharaoh's Statue 1 Decree of Justice